Big sis leading lil'bro down the hall...she is such a good sister. Jack in the (pink) bouncy giving me a cheesy smile. Again at the home in OKC. Children's play...JW, Miss J, and their friend Syd. ...
In my commuting flurry of defending myself against disgruntled bus drivers and my pushy fellow public transit riders, I had forgotten I was actually taking a vacation till I plopped my ass down in Seat #22B for my Jet Blue 7:00 PM ...
Mein schönstes Service-Erlebnis. Agenturchef Johannes Krempl von Glow Berlin erzählt, warum er vom Ökodorf Brodowin begeistert ist. This was written by admin. Posted on Dienstag, Februar 23, 2010, at 16:16 . Filed under Mein schönstes ...